Many people want the treasured, ever sought after, six pack of Abs. They allure us. They captivate and intrigue us. What I’m trying to say in my own weird way is, we just want a good looking set of Abdominal muscles.
Every individual has a different idea of how they want their Abs to look. To a certain degree, we want very visible Abs including the muscles on the sides which are called Obliques.
3 Essentials of a Six Pack
If that sounds like what you want then you’re in luck. I believe that with enough hard work, and time, anyone can have a visible six pack. It’s very important to lose fat off of the muscles, and this is done by a combination of 3 different things:
1. proper diet
2. weight training
3. cardiovascular exercise
Now when I say weight training I mean any sort of training that uses a resistance to challenge the abilities of the skeletal muscles. That includes bodyweight exercises like Pushups and Sit-ups.
Some people will get great results with doing only one of these things, and some will get great results with just two of them. In order to get the best looking Abs for your body, you need to implement all of them.
Workout ALL areas of the Abs
You might get visible Abs from a good diet, but you’re not going to have strong Abs unless you exercise them. Some great Ab exercises for men are The Plank (both types), Sidebends, Leg Lifts, and Situps with a crunch.
The Plank is an isometric exercise wherein you get into a Push-up position and then lay your forearms on the ground. Have the upper arms and forearms form a 90 degree angle, and hold the position for a few seconds. For the Side Plank, you want to keep one arm on the ground and twist to your side. Hold for a few seconds then switch to the other side.
Side Bends are a great Obliques exercise. Hold a dumbbell in one hand and stretch the side of your torso as you lower the weight near the side of your foot. Stretch as much as you can without straining. If you don’t have a dumbbell then as you stretch, focus on flexing your Obliques.
To do Leg Lifts, lay on a soft surface and put your feet together. Keep your legs straight and together as you raise them up to be perpendicular with your torso. The last Abs exercise for men that I want to mention is the Sit-up with a Crunch.
This simply means that you, carefully do a Crunch and then proceed to do a Sit-up all in one continuous motion. I recommend a soft surface for that exercise as well. Now that you have those exercises down, the next step is to look into a proper diet and cardiovascular exercise program.