Weeks 5-8
You’ll be able to handle more this phase because of the previous phase. However, because of the tempo change, and the volume increase, we’re going to keep the other parameters the same. For the bodyweight exercises, perform all 4 sets with 50% of the max repetitions that you recorded the test week. This may look too easy, but the slower tempo will provide a new challenge. For the barbell and dumbbell exercises, perform all 4 sets with 60% 1 RM and aim for 5 reps again.
Monday/Thursday - Chest/Back
Superset - 4 sets
One Arm Push-ups - BW
Wide Grip Pull-ups - BW
Superset - 4 sets
Decline Push-ups - BW
DB Bent over Rows - 60% 1 RM
Superset - 3 sets
DB Pullovers - 60% 1 RM
Knee Raises - BW
Tuesday/Friday - Legs/Lower Back
Superset - 4 sets
One Leg Squats - BW
Straight Leg Deadlifts - 60% 1 RM
Superset - 4 sets
Lunges - 20 lb. Dumbbells
DB Swings - 40 lbs.
Superset - 3 sets
One Leg Calf Raises - BW
Side Bends - 20 lbs. - 15
Wednesday/Saturday - Shoulders/Arms
Superset 3 sets
Behind the Neck Press - 60% 1RM
Upright Rows - 60% 1 RM
Superset -4 sets of MR - 1/0/1/0
Bicep Curls - 60% 1RM
Tricep Extensions - 60% 1RM
Superset 3 sets
Roman Chair Situps - BW
Standing Twists - 20 lb. Plate